Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3

Cup of herbal tea
Mandarin orange
Smoothie (spinach, cherries, mango)
Lara bar
Big salad at the Jason's Deli salad bar
Had two flatbread crackers that weren't raw, but were organic and loaded with fabulous seeds and grains
Purely Raw bar
Chocolate smoothie (cashews, dates, cacoa powder, banana)
1 1/2 glasses of red wine

Day 4
Herbal Tea
Rest of leftover chocolate smoothie from yesterday
Slaw with tomatoes and apples on the side
Herbal Tea
Dried mango slices
"Raw lasagne" from Whole Foods, with sliced tomatoes on the side drizzled with olive oil, cut up basil, and chunks of raw cheese
"Raw key lime pie" from Whole Foods
Smoothie (cherries, cacoa powder, banana, spinach)

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to be on a raw diet! I think I could survive on almonds alone, but I love some greens too!! I have a menu blog too, but it's not nearly as healthy as yours!!
