Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12

I'm not going to keep as detailed of a food diary from this point on, and instead I will write about any interesting recipes I try and how I am feeling as I continue on this "raw" path.
I bought a dehydrator over the weekend (thank you, Craigslist!!) and had so much fun making some raw chocolate chip cookies, flax crackers, and dehydrated bananas.
This morning for a mid-morning snack, I crumbled some of the cookies, some bananas, raspberries, and blackberries and I topped all of that with some macadamia nut cream. Heavenly!
I loved the flax crackers I made (flax seeds, red pepper, tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, cayenne, lemon juice, and sea salt).
My energy level has really risen over the past few days. When I wake up in the morning (between 5:30-6:00 thanks to my baby!) I find that I am not groggy at all. I am also pleased that my skin is really starting to clear up.
My biggest food challenge occured this weekend. My husband, father, and daughter all had Dominoes Pizza on Saturday night. I was worried that I might take one look at it and scarf a piece down in rebellion. But realizing how great I feel and thinking about how I would feel after eating greasy pizza, I was able to sit with them and eat my kale/mango salad, flax crackers, and veggie pate. I didn't feel deprived. And I made myself a giant chocolate cashew smoothie afterward.
I really hope that at some point I can help other people find their way to health and energy because it sure feels good!

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